Monday, April 15, 2013

"Deliberate Life" by Jeanine Deibel

Deliberate Life

Disappointed to say the least
after countless art shows – tracked
interviews – read, loyal subscriber
to the quarterly confident that I could
                       count the steps
                       as she closed in on genius.

An Archetype of Art
art as art should be, striking up
in me more life than one could
breed in a womb
                       I would remind myself,
                       stagnant in my own. mess. of colors.

Publicly poised dashing a hand about to buyers,
admirers – I saw her at Whitman Gallery
she took leave into the ladies’ room
I followed and
                      found her snorting off the vanity
                      I held the door for her.

Frustrated for believing that in the 21st Century
we could reap art from something other than
self-destructive tendencies – my esophagus lost
its length in
                      one. long. contraction.

                      At home,
                                   I paint doors